For over 10 years now, “WAELCON” LLC has been providing services for constructing multi-storeyed buildings and facilities from precast and monolithic reinforced concrete in RA. In addition, the construction company widely uses various reinforced concrete structures in road construction works, territory improvement, and architectural construction.
Reinforced concrete is a composition construction material combining concrete (matrix) and steel reinforcement.
Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine that industrial, civil, hydro-technical facilities and other structures can be erected without reinforced concrete structures. The reason for their popularity lies in the perfect technical and maintenance characteristics and the wide scope of utilization. These structures are used in the construction of residential and public buildings, trade, sports and leisure centers, in agricultural and industrial construction.
The production of reinforced concrete and monolithic structures may be carried out on the construction site; it can also be performed by request in large factories equipped with mechanized technological lines for the production of beams, crossbars, panels, slabs, foundation blocks and other elements.
By the method of production reinforced concrete items are divided into three types:
- Monolithic
These structures are erected at the construction facilities with the use of various types of formwork for walls, slabs, foundation and columns. They are highly durable, firm and look nice due to the monolithic surface and lack of joints. However, the cost price of the monolithic construction during winter increases due to the need to heat the concrete while it hardens.
- Precast
These are manufactured in factories producing reinforced concrete items and structures by various technologies. Once the items are delivered to the facility, the reinforced concrete assembler, namely, a team of specially trained professionals deals with the assembly. The benefit of using them is the opportunity to have them assembled during wintertime with no additional costs. The joints are performed through welding with the use of special embedded steel fittings for reinforced concrete structures.
- Precast and monolithic
A combination of monolithic and precast structures. Separate elements can be joined with the help of special embedded fittings for reinforced concrete structures. These items are incredibly durable and can stand an enormous load for a long time; still, they are quite bulky and have huge weight. The joint welding is performed by a reinforced concrete assembly worker with special equipment.
The method of erecting facilities with monolithic structures allows to construct a building with any level of complexity, form, and with any number of storeys. The construction of monolithic structures is performed by company specialists; the concrete mixture is being poured into special forms – formworks. In addition, the enclosure provides a rigid frame.
The benefits of constructing buildings with monolithic and reinforced concrete structures compared to other types of construction, are as follows:
- mechanical durability;
- seismic resistance;
- dynamic load resistance;
- long-term durability;
- lack of joints; smooth walls and ceilings;
- opportunity for a free layout design;
- high heat conductivity and sound proofness;
- resistance to atmospheric impact;
- fire safety;
- low cost (in comparison with the structures from metal, stone, and wood).
Financially, modern monolithic structures are the most profitable option for the construction of buildings for the customer.
The assembly of monolithic structures includes the following stages:
- preparation of the foundation pit;
- installation of the rebar framework and construction formwork;
- preparation of the concrete mixture;
- concrete casting of monolithic structures;
- heating, if necessary (during cold season);
- provision of concrete surface finishing;
- removal of the construction formwork.
Concrete and reinforced concrete structures prevail in all types of construction in Armenia. This is caused by many reasons, both objective and geographic. The usage of monolithic concrete allows to cut the consumption of steel by 7-20%, and the consumption of concrete by up to 12% due to the optimization of structural schemes, transfer to continuous spatial systems, and consideration of element work. It is easier to solve the joint issue in monolithic structures; the heat-shielding features of the enclosure are improved, and operating costs are reduced.
Our advantages include:
- Construction of structures by individual projects;
- Our own construction equipment;
- Our own concrete production;
- Large choice of construction formworks, etc;
- Quality control at all stages of work implementation;
- Warranty and post-warranty service.